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Large School in city 3 hours away – March 20th

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When we arrived the directer told us they were only going to bring 200 kids, instead of the 600 they had originally sad. They were afraid that things would get out of control with that many kids together:) (what would make them think that:)) Anyway, we explained that we drove 3 hours, and had to carry our 1000 pounds of equipment up three flights of stairs and that we needed them to bring everyone. We assured them we would keep order. So they did:). It was a challenge, but the Lord Jesus was greatly with us and gave us grace and wisdom to have a beautiful time with complete order and attention .We performed for almost 2 hours and the kids were so precious and excited. These children were from 10 to 16 and very poor. Many were orphans or had parents in prison, some were near homeless. They had never seen magic, hip hop, and all the acts that we brought them and continuously screamed and laughed in excitement. We taught about saying no to drugs, not joining gangs (which are the main issues the face living in this dangerous part of the city,) relationships, respect, and the love of Jesus.

At the end, all 600 kids rushed us for hugs and attention. We spent another few hours talking to small groups, playing with them and giving them things. During the performance, two girls called me over and asked if they could have a hug at the end. They didnt ask for things, just a hug. They were all just starving for love. The next day we woke up to hundreds of messages from these kids)

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