We are a family of eight individuals. We travel to other countries to bring inspiration, love and hope to those in desperate need by means of a creative expression of music, dance, art and theater.
“So many times in life we are faced with a decision and, to go along with the status quo, we often find ourselves saying; “…unfortunately, I can’t…”. There are so many excuses. But what is truly unfortunate is that WE CAN but often choose not to. Time goes by, the couch is comfortable, the routine is easy. Helping others can be such a hassle. But “unfortunately” it is possible to change lives, it is possible to make a huge difference for someone else if we so dare to venture beyond the status quo.”
Hello my friend! My name is Joshua, I am second to the youngest in my family of eight. My parents have introduced me to the high purpose of caring about others more than myself. I have put this website together to showcase the work my family and I are doing. I would like to sincerely thank you for taking a few moments of your time to look over our site and consider the work that we are doing. Any official documentation is not posted here for privacy protection reasons but can be provide on a personal basis, just contact us. A detailed account of our work is chronicled under “Our Up-to-date blog“.
We have been to every state and big city in America and over forty five countries around the world. We have received an overwhelming number of requests to perform in the prisons, orphanages, schools, military bases and city centers as well as at special events for government officials and major international foundations like the UN. We have met and performed for mayors, presidents and high ranking officials as well as the general public and mostly for the poor and those in difficult situations.
We have recently been traveling through South America (see “Current timeline”) and just returned to the US in order to recover finances and save up for our return. We do not ask for money for anything we do but instead will stop from time to time to work jobs and save up the finances required. My brothers and sisters and I work as waiters and waitress sometimes two or three jobs at a time to raise money quickly so we can return to those in need.

Most Recent Blog Post:
Quotes from letters we have received from people at various venues where we have performed:
“..In 35 years of directing this institution, I thought I knew what it meant to love and to care. But today, as I watch this family perform, I see that there is so much more. And I realize how little I have done and how much more I can do. I see what true love really is…”
-Fransisco Naldo, Director of a Large Special Needs School.
“..They have a plain conviction about their vocation to serve, and by means of culture, art, music, dance and magic, they deliver to those watching their qualities and their love with the firm commitment to bring hope and joy to those who need it most…”
-Luis Andres, Reporting from inside a prison of more than 5,000.
“It has be a year ago today that I met you all and you did something very big for me, you changed my life. That day I went to my school (Magdalena Del Norte), I was able to fully comprehend your message and what I felt I could not express with words but with tears. I will never forget that day. Thank you for being such a united family and bringing this message to the world…”
-Juliana Hiraldo,
“In the name of the personal of Officials, Sub-officials, Soldiers and Civilians that are apart of the Unit, permit me to present to you a special recognition of our gratitude for your visit and all the services that you have unconditionally offered to this unit of infantry. We offer a very warm and grateful congratulations for your labor in our institution and for being examples of what it means to demonstrate service and patriotism and the selfless surrender of yourselves for the noble cause of Freedom, characterizing by your great fighting spirit, valor and unbreakable will. I wish to, in the most sincere manner, offer my feelings of appreciation and gratitude…”
-Commander Leonardo Antonio,
“…We received the benefit of their program which is a foundation for rescuing human and social values in our culture, fundamentals in the belief of core values and the love for one another. Their support has be very important to help our students understand the meaning and importance of a society of peace and tolerance.”
– Director Armando Meza,
“…Thank you! Through you all and what you are doing, the God we worship has shown great mercy for my city and my nation…“
-Sofia, Secretary to the Mayor,
“Good Morning Dear Family,
My name is Jose. I’m a Systems Engineer from Bogota, Colombia. In September 2009 I lost my mother to cancer. These last years for me have been like I was in darkness, I have felt very sad, lonely and depressed.On December 24th I got up early as usual, I went for a jog, after I got home, I knelt down and asked God if He would, even for just today, notice me and give me a little happiness…
God answered my request! That day for some reason, I became eager to go to the center of Bogota, a site I frequent rarely. And there you were, on that street corner. You were about to start your angelic presentation. I decided to wait until you begin and what a surprise. Everything you said, all the music you played, everything you showed me entered my heart with great joy. I was there for every moment until you finished your presentation.
You have given me an excellent message of life, you have given me light, and this light will change my life…”-Jose,
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
– Edmund Burke