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Preparing to go back to Brazil – January

We are now preparing to go take our return flight back to Brazil. We received an invitation to work in the prison system in one of the largest cities in the world, as well as to work with the secretary of education, so we are praying for the Father to grant us His grace, courage and strength to begin this next chapter and handle the many challenges we are about to face.

Southern States – January – Working in Schools and Correctional Facilities.

At a facility we visited around Christmas, we were allowed to give the guys candy. It’s funny, something I noticed right away was the way they all took it carefully and saved it. There were no wrappers on the ground after. And it hit me, these guys are in here for life! They want to spread out and save these three little pieces of candy. Can you wrap your head around life in prison?  Many guys who have substance abuse problems or battle addiction, end up in prison instead of getting treatment at facilities who are trained to help these issues….

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