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College in Central Asuncion – April 23rd

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My youngest brother wrote a rap/song that has a message in it about being the bigger person and helping make peace with others. The words “I am sorry” can be so powerful and prevent heart break, sadness and even divorce. “I am sorry”, “its my fault”, “I love you” are words we all need to be quick to say. We act out two people arguing, we comes in and loves them and says he is sorry and helps them make peace. So many of these children come from broken homes and at times hear their parents shouting at each other. Sometimes a little love and humility, can save a family, no matter who’s fault it is.

This school was surrounded by the temporary shacks that all the victims of the flood are living in. Here the children were older, from 12 to 18. They all brought their chairs out and once they were sitting down, they were very well behaved and respectful. It made me so sad when we brought kids up to read a quote (like a wrote about in the last post, we do it like competition to help them speak loud and be a leader), this girl, maybe 13 said she couldn’t read but wanted to participate. She was so sweet and I helped her just say a phrase about how hope can be given as a gift. At the end, one 17 year old girl was just in tears, really touched by our message.

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