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December 2013 | Village for Orphans, Bogotá, Colombia.

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A few years back we spent a lot of time here, teaching English and Tae Kwon Do to the children. These kids have been severely damaged by things that have happen in their past like seeing their parents killed or from suffering abuse. It was so wonderful to return and see “our kids” run into our arms and call us by name. We did a show in their theater of dance and magic, sowing seeds into their hearts that no matter what, they have a Father who wants them. I was so happy to see that even the older kids, who were concerned about acting cool, riveted on our words.

They all paid attention to the theatrical dance we do of a caterpillar coming out of a cocoon; one animal can become a completely different animal. There is hope, and change can be a beautiful thing. We all spent a lot of time throwing kids into the air and spinning them around as they ran up to us begging, “Teacher, teacher, one more time please”.


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