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Down Town Center – December

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The down town plaza has been very, very busy these days leading up to Christmas and we performed in the center for large crowds. I love just being on the streets in down town city areas. It is difficult because you’re just out there and any thing can happen, but you reach people from all walks of life. 

We had so many people that came up to us and told us that they had seen us from other events. It made us realize that we are reaching this whole city. A few men actually saw us perform inside a prison  when they were a prisoner, and now they are free! This one guy came up to me the other day and leaned in to whisper in my ear that he had just got out of prison. He remembered me performing my Irish dance inside his prison and telling him about how to focus his mind and leave the past in the past. He wanted me to know that he was changing and that what I had shared really helped him. It meant a lot to me. Sometimes you just don’t know if anything you do matters, you just hope. Like sowing seeds, maybe one seed will change someones life.   

Its tough on the street because you have to deal with drunk people and  crazy people wandering through your crowd, cops, traffic, thieves and lots of things you would never think of if you didn’t see it. Its a lot to handle, but being able to reach so many people makes it all worth it. One lady in the crowd told us that she thought we were there just for her. Her mom died of cancer and she was really going through it. She said at times she felt like she just couldn’t make it and wanted to give up. She said after listening to all we shared she finally found hope.  

There are so many homeless and many of them will just sit in our crowd and listen.  We always bring food and care packets for them and they are so grateful. Its not like there are levels of people in Gods eyes. There are no rich or poor, Brazilian or American, Republican or Democrats. We are all the same. Children in need of a Father. Souls that need His love. We had some gifts left from the orphanage that we gave to many of the kids and that sit in our crowd. They love the magic. There is one little boy who lives on the street with his mom. He was really sweet and wanted to help us in anyway he could. We had a cool soccer ball to give him;)

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