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Down Town Center – helping homeless – June 3rd-6th

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Each day after we finished performing inside the scheduled prison, we took a break at the motel, got some lunch, and then headed back out to the down town city center. Since the prisons were early, we were still able to make it down town at the peak hours when the center was just packed with crowds. We had some beautiful times ministering to the crowds and people from all walks of life. Right near down town there is a huge favela so the crowds were very mixed with both rich, poor and middle class. There was also a large convention going on at the same time we were there so the city swelled and we reached people from the whole state of Minas Gerias. We made up a bunch of care packages and lunches and spent time helping the many homeless in the center and parks. I talked to so many beautiful individuals. It was cool a number of people down town had known about us and seen us from our work in other cited in Brazil.

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