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Down Town Centers in surrounding cities, Central Brazil – June, July, August

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Besides all of the many events we have been performing at, we also constantly go down town to the city centers. Because Rio is so huge, there are at least 10 areas where it is just packed for lunch and dinner. We are able to reach people from all walks of life and all the surrounding areas. There is a ferry that crosses the channel that everyone uses every day to get to and from work. 2000 people get off and on every 20 minutes. So if we are in that plaza for a few hours, we reach a lot of people.

There are also large markets, metro stops at the bottom of favelas, beaches that are packed and train stations where we spend time reaching people. WE use music, dance, magic, theater and large banners with inspiring messages to touch as many as we can with the Fathers love and the hope of the Gospel.

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