We had a beautiful time visiting and performing at a large home for the elderly. It was so cool to see these beautiful, but sad people, slowly warm to us and then accept us like family. The director of activities was a 17 years old girl! She was mature well beyond her years and really cared about the people she worked with. Her mom had died when she was 11, her dad just left and her grandparents were raising her. Seeing the kindness of her grandparents, gave her the desire to work with older folks and choose to lay down her life and love these people. She told me that 90% of the people in the home get NO visitors! Someone drops them off and forgets them. The home, which is Catholic based, pays for all the expenses including their care, food, and clothes. The man in the picture with me is named, Theo, at first he was kind of angry and reserved. But after a little “magic” and just talking to him, he became my best friend. He lost one of his legs in a hit and run accident years ago. As I pushed his wheel chair, he took me on a tour of the place.
Home for the elderly – March 14th

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