This school was about a two hour drive in bad traffic. The directer who set up this event, had seen us perform at a different school months ago and really wanted us to come to this school. We were greeted by a bunch of excited students and teachers and they helped us carry our equipment to the gym. Originally they had told us it was going to be younger kids, under 13, but it ended up being 15 to 20 year olds which is usually more of a challenge:)
The Lord Jesus was with us and gave us the wisdom and courage to reach into these kids world and give them reality. They were so attentive and respectful and cheered insanely loud for each act we did. They were eager to participate and really touched by all we shared. When we were finished and gave our final bow, no-one moved. All 400 teens just sat there and then stated chanting in English, “Thank you, thank you…”. It was really cool. Talk about a special Thanksgiving:)!
After the performance, we stayed another hour just talking one on one to so many kids, each with their now story. This area is a very bad, dangerous and violent area and these kids have each suffered greatly, lost a loved one or have a parent in prison. The days following our visit, we received more emails and texts then ever, saying specific meaningful things about how much our message changed them and gave them hope.
One young man, named Lucas, told us he had attempted suicide because he just wanted to give up on life. His mom had left, his dad is in the hospital, dying of a horrible sickness and he had no-one. A few days later we went with him to the hospital to visit his dad. He couldn’t afford the trip to the hospital and him and his dead had tension between them since his dad had not been there through the years. We were able to spend time helping them bridge the gap by talking to them together and making them laugh. The dad looked like he was 80 when he was 50 and because the hospital food was so bad, he hardly eats. We were able to get the son some extra food to take to his dad and bus fares. It was a beautiful experience.
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