The fall went so quickly I can’t believe it. The time flew, but in another sense, it seemed like five years. I feel like I have learned so many things and touched a deeper level of the Fathers profound love. So now here we are, once again packing and getting ready to head back to Brazil. We already have a lot of events scheduled there for Christmas and after, so we are definitely going to hit the ground running. Our first event, which is three days after we land, is for a large group of homeless at a Catholic Parish. I am extremely grateful to the companies and very kind, selfless individuals who donated chess boards, toys, stuffed animals, bibles, coloring books, soap, hygienic products and aluminum blankets to us. I cannot thank them enough and could never have afforded to have this to give others. These things will really touch the hearts of many children, prisons and people that are suffering and facing hard times.
Packing and preparing to return to Brazil – November

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