I had read things about about this city that said it is one of the richer cities in Brazil, since it is a port city, and so I pictured a developed down town area and a rich kind of atitude. But in reality, it was quite different. There are scores of homeless, and poor, so much so that throughout the city there are make shift tarp houses and tents all over. Even in developed places places like the airport, bus station and shopping markets. One day I saw this man wander in the rain looking through the trash. He stopped by a big heap of junk on the curb that had a flood of water running under it. I thought he was going to look through it as well, but then he stopped, ducked under it and crawled into his home! He lives in this pile of trash. I later took him some stuff but I wish I could give him a home.
Sunday, July 19 – Helping the Homeless

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