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Thursday, February 12th 2015 – My brother tore his achilles tendon.

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Our next prison was large, more like a little city. We were part way into our presentation and were performing the Brazilian art of capoeira when my youngest brother, David, suddenly pulled up and started limping off. When I saw his face I knew something was very wrong because he would not stop for any type of miner injury. We iced his leg and got him in a chair while we finished sharing with the prisoners and said goodbye. They sent us to a hospital down town and we had to wait a while in the emergency room.  David had torn his achilles tendon and had to have a full leg cast put on. It was scary looking around at the poor conditions of a third world hospital but I know that He is in Gods hands. It is going to be really tough traveling in our van and living in small quarters. Despite this accident, we were able to really effect the prisoners and touch their lives in a big way.

David is very athletic,  full of energy and he and I often go running  and exploring together so it makes me really sad to see my little brother trying to get around on crutches. When I had my accident a few years ago, besides the pain, it was really hard to deal with not being able to do everything I wanted to and having to spend time in a wheel chair but through it all I learned a lot and my character grew. I know that in the end the Lord will work this to my brothers good.

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