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Carnaval – Brazilian Cities – End of February

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The Mardi Gras season here draws millions of people to the streets and we were out most every day all day reaching the crowds. We made these large beautiful banners with inspiring messages on them like, “Don’t Give Up, You are not alone, seek Jesus”. So many people that join the parties to try to escape their pain and fill the crack inside them but are so disappointed that its just nothing. The parties pass, and the sadness, pain and emptiness comes back. We reach them at this time with the the love of Jesus that beyond it all, He forgives us and is there for us. Normally here, all the churches close and the pastors leave the city during this time to, “not be tempted by Carnaval”, which I find so absolutely ridiculous when this is the time to reach so many. Jesus would be on the streets, not inside a nice building. He went to the people, He didn’t ask the people to come to Him. WE talked to so many people who were so grateful we were there. Some that would break down in tears to know that God is a Father, and there is hope for their life. we gave out over 8,000 flyers.

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