This last month many of the sub cities and communities put on events where they invite poor families to come and give them a gift and food. (Sometimes they have a santa claus and sometimes santa ends up being one of my brothers or me in a frog costume in a sonata coat :))
After we were invited to one of these events, word spread about the Americans with a cool free show and we soon had five more. The people putting on these events (often a Catholic Parish) do not have a lot of resources or help so we end up helping organize the events, set them up, and break them down as well as contributing candy, prizes or whatever we can afford. All of this work so that we can reach someone with the hope of the Gospel. That the birth of Jesus who we celebrate is alive today and can help you, take care of you and heal your pain.
We have had some really beautiful times at these events, reaching people who come from the favelas and have nothing. They are so grateful for a Christmas and very open to the Gospel. These times have definitely been my Christmas present! Surely it is more blessed to give then to receive

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