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Dance Event in a Theater – December 2nd

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We got a request to perform at ballet/hip hop dance show in a theater that was located at the foot of a really dangerous slum. They were having a Christmas celebration for all the dancers and we got to close the event. The little ballerinas were so sweet and it broke my heart when a little girl, no more than five, starts telling me about the shooting outside her house last night and how afraid she was. They want to know if it is safer in America and if we ever are afraid there. The dance instructor told us that many days the kids can’t make it to class because of the gang violence in their village.

We had a beautiful time with them and we performed the Christmas story of the birth of Christ with each of us acting a part of Mary, Joesph, A Shepherd, Angel and wisemen (My brother on stilts you can kind of see in the back of the picture below). My sister closed our show with a beautiful story of a toy puppet ballerina, who comes to the cross and can break free to dance. Communicating all the things that tie us up and hold us back, our sadness, past, mistakes and regrets. The birth, life and death of Jesus were like no other, and through Him, we can be truly free.


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