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Large Mens Prison- 3rd Visit

Each time we visit we reach new sections of the 4,000 men prison. When we walk by all the cells, it is so sad to see the men way back in there, no windows, no air, no light just crammed in and barely hanging on. We always try to bring candy, things to read and pictures to put up on their walls. On the way in and out we stop and talk to the men who didn’t get to come. My mother has a beautiful voice and when she sings a beautiful song that she wrote in our presentation, everyone…

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Revisit to large High school

It was really cool coming back to this school! The kids were so excited to see us and had been constantly messaging us to return. But more than anything it was so beautiful to see there attitudes and eagerness to learn and grasp our message. They all asked meaningful questions about life, where to read in the Scriptures, how to talk to Jesus and how to find their purpose.

School in Northern City

My sister performs a beautiful, high class ballet dance where she walks out wrapped in a long black cloth. She slowly unwinds while reciting a poem about reaching for our dreams and not letting anything keep us “wound up”. Our own fear, past or others can keep us wound up and stop us from reaching our dreams. But when we forget ourselves, and begin to love others, we become free of ourselves, free to dance. It is very moving and the kids cheer and scream when they see her unwind.

Large Mens Prison

It has been a constant fight to gain the needed permission to work in the prisons of Brazil. I have attended probably 20 something meetings, written many emails, phone calls and texts to get in. And each time we start again. IT is a fight against bureaucracy , corruption and just a general attitude of no-one caring about the inmates. The conditions they suffer are inhumane, and the animals in the zoo that is just out side the gate have better living areas (not exaggerating). This prison is double capacity and the men only get to leave their insanely crowded…

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Large School in city 3 hours away – March 20th

When we arrived the directer told us they were only going to bring 200 kids, instead of the 600 they had originally sad. They were afraid that things would get out of control with that many kids together:) (what would make them think that:)) Anyway, we explained that we drove 3 hours, and had to carry our 1000 pounds of equipment up three flights of stairs and that we needed them to bring everyone. We assured them we would keep order. So they did:). It was a challenge, but the Lord Jesus was greatly with us and gave us grace…

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School for Entrepreneurs in a Northern city – March 18th

This was a much different experience from the previous school. Here the students came out to greet us and were very attentive and respectful. There were around 200 of them and the teachers brought chairs and had everything very ordered (which was really nice for a change:))! On one of the sides of the boxes we arranged we have a picture of a path and when the 9 boxes are scrambled, it creates a large puzzle. We let teams of four compete to assemble the puzzle and use it as a way to teach teamwork and leadership (plus its a…

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Mens Prison – March 15th

We performed inside one of the largest mens prisons in this city. It was built for 1,800 men, and currently holds 4,000 prisoners. We performed for about 400 at a time and will continuously work in this prison. The conditions are just horrible. Part way into our performance, it started pouring, and the roof leaked horribly. So water was just pouring in from everywhere. The prisoners worked hard to rearrange everything, help us move our equipment and then get barrels to catch the water while pushing the floods away. We were able to continue and eventually it let up but…

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Caught in a flood – March 4th

The other day we were leaving the center when a severe storm hit. Within one hour the entire city center was flooded and the streets were like rivers. It was hard to find a way out since road after road turned into a lake and cars were stalling everywhere. We had to walk ahead to see how deep the water was in some places. At a certain part over a mountain pass, the water was just pouring down from a favela like a waterfall and the road was quickly becoming very dangerous. Im not gonna lie, I was a bit…

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Mardi Gras Crowds – March

Mardi Gras season has been just massive with parties drawing up to two million people. As I mentioned in a previous post, as well as our performance, we also have these large beautiful banners we hold in crowds that have inspiring messages on them like, “To anyone who is hurting, Don’t give up, find the Fathers love for you in Jesus ” . This is very effective in reaching the masses and the response has been amazing. One of our banners says, “Sometimes a happy face hides a heart of sorrow. God knows your pain, talk to Him”. So many…

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