Mardi Gras season has been just massive with parties drawing up to two million people. As I mentioned in a previous post, as well as our performance, we also have these large beautiful banners we hold in crowds that have inspiring messages on them like, “To anyone who is hurting, Don’t give up, find the Fathers love for you in Jesus ” . This is very effective in reaching the masses and the response has been amazing. One of our banners says, “Sometimes a happy face hides a heart of sorrow. God knows your pain, talk to Him”. So many people told us how this was exactly what they were going through. They come to the parties to drink, listen to music and have fun, but inside they are dealing with so much pain and often a tragedy.
A women came up to me at a large crazy party and told me she is here all alone to try to drown out her pain. She lost a child last year and can’t get over it. She said how much it meant to her to see my banner. Another young guy told me he can’t stand to be home and deal with depression so he comes here to try to forget it. We gave out over 60,000 flyers in a ten days to people who were desperate for hope.

Sometimes the situations at these mass parties are intense with crime, fights breaking out, riot police taking control and more than once we have gotten stuck in the middle of tear gas (not fun). But our Father always protects us.
The press here has done many stories on us and printed our work in the papers and live tv so its a blessing to know we are reaching even people we may never see. People constantly tell us they saw us here, or perform there so its cool to think that even in a city this massive we are effecting a lot of lives with the love of Jesus.
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