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Down Town Center – January 29th

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I love performing on the streets at the end of a busy work day. There is always a “rush” in the evening when everyone leaves the city to go home. The bus stops are just packed. We are able to reach people from all walks of life, both rich and poor, old and young.  As well as just constantly talking to the crowds, through our performance we weave in the many beautiful truths of the Gospel. The need in this country is very great. There are so many new strange religions, churches and teachings here. Its like thirsty people drinking cool water when they hear that we are giving them the traditional, Scriptural message. A Father, sent His Son into the world to bear our sins. He died and rose again and offers eternal forgiveness not based on the works we do, but on faith in what He did. Our crowd constantly changes over and many stay for hours so we are able to touch many, many people in the three to four hours we are down town. We have different acts that are geared to different people so that we can grab them as they walk by and put some solid thoughts into their minds.

We always bring a lot of lunch packets to give to them many homeless and hungry that walk by and sit in our crowd. Some of the poor people know we always have food for them and are so grateful.

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