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Easter Weekend, Paraguay – March 30th

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We had a beautiful night on the boardwalk here and so many families stopped to listen. I just love performing for kids! We have so many magic, clown, puppet and funny acts they love and through it all we can teach them beautiful things. For Good Friday it was special to do our act that depicts the death and resurrection of Jesus. Many people were in tears as they watched. 

It is a really tragic situation here in Paraguay. The city is in extreme poverty and just a complete disaster.  Because of bad flooding in January, thousands of people lost their homes and are now living in temporary shelters right in the down town center. They have very little food, drinking water and no electricity or bathrooms. The need is just overwhelming and we are praying for the Fathers grace and wisdom to effectively help these people and touch them with His love. I wish I was rich because there is just so much you could do to instantly, long term help a lot of people, but like Peter said, “silver and gold have I none, but what I do have, I give you”. What we celebrate on Easter is the only hope for all humanity no matter what we may be dealing with. A man named Jesus WAS dead and is now alive, therefore we have hope.  

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