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Barrios of Paraguay – First week in April

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This one lady we met while walking through the villages, started a home for the elderly that she tries to keep up in her own home. Her husband helped her start in but he died, and now she struggles to be able to afford to take care of all the elderly folks that come to her. We gave her 35$ which allowed her to be able to get a lot of rice and beans. She broke down crying, just so extremely grateful. She said God sent her angels today to pick her up:)

Because of the floods here, many people are living in shelters all throughout the city center. It is really sad to see all the shacks  made out of cardboard and garbage bags all around. We spend time just walking up and down the rows, through the villages and going house to house talking to the families. Some of them were able to save things like their refrigerators and some stuff from their houses, and some of them have nothing. But even in so much poverty, many pf these people have just beautiful, upbeat attitudes and want to offer us something to eat. So many stories.

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