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High School in a Ghetto, Brazil- Aug 7th

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It was pouring in the morning and we had to leave at 6am to get to the school by 9. We were afraid the roads would flood out and considered canceling, but after texting the school workers we decided to go and they told us they had a covered area where we could perform. This school was soon far in the middle of nowhere, when we pulled up I thought it was abandoned and we were at the wrong address, but it was right and all the kids were waiting for us. The streets around it were just covered in trash, pigs and cows walking round, teens with machine guns hiding behind a wall. Instantly the kids were so excited to see us and surprised to see Americans. The teachers and director really thanked us for coming. We all crowded into a covered gym out of the rain.

It is always a bit more challenging to break through when the audience is all at the teen age category because peer pressure can be so strong, but God always gives us His wisdom and different ways to touch them. Sometimes we have to call out kids and lovingly teach them what it is to be an individual, to respect others, to be a leader and make a difference for the good. No matter how grown up some of the kids wanted to act, they sure loved the magic and were blown away by our routines:)! A cool 16 year old kids helps me do my appearing bunny trick. I told him how the trick was down before hand so he could do it. When the whole crowd screamed their delight, he was really happy.

At the end, they all asked for a Bible or Gospel of John and waited to get a chance to talk to us one on one and tell us their stories. They were so grateful and many the teachers were in tears. They said they could see love in us. Afterward a lot of the kids wrote us and we stay in touch with them now.

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