This park is right near where we live and super busy on weekends! It is a really good spot to reach people from all walk of life as they enjoy a day at the park. We have a wide range of acts that we do from acts with puppets and costumes to get the kids, to Capoeira, Tae Kwon Do, Hip hop for the young people, and then songs, cultural dance, and theater for the older people. Of course everyone loves magic:)! In each act we have different messages that we weave through about love, family values, forgetting our past, using our time and drawing near to our heavenly Father. We give out color flyers, posters, Gospels of John as well as little stuffed animals, candy and chess boards for prizes and for the children. After a dance we do that conveys a caterpillar, turing into a butterfly we let little girls from the crowd come dance and wear little butterfly wings that we have for them. We talk about how we are all a child inside, a butterfly waiting to be released.
Local Family Park – Aug 5th

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