When we were in the west, it was only October, but we got hit by a few serious snow storms. We already had confirmed dates at prisons in, so we did not want to cancel. We had a few close calls with icy roads, bad traffic accidents and issues with our vehicles caused by the cold, but in every case angels surrounded us.
At a few different prisons we visited, the facility went on lock down while we were inside. The Lord worked it for the good as it allowed us more time with the inmates and we could go even deeper into the Gospel. Usually we have to keep our time really tight since everything is so restricted.

We visited a number of youth and juvenile detention centers as well. Hopefully try to reach these kids before they land long sentences in adult prisons. At times it seems harder trying to reach the teen age group then the adult. We have found that the best “method” is not teaching, giving them insights or points, but just sincere love. If you can show them that you really care about them as a person, then they will open their door a crack and let you in. So many have never had a father figure or anyone that really took care of them. They found a sense of belonging in a gang, or with drug dealers that then led to where they are now. It is so precious how even the “bad” tough kids, really want a hug at the end.
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