Pictures were not allowed here, but the prison was located behind the area you see in the picture. In this prison the guys told us that they only get the water on three times a day and have to hurry to get a drink and wash. Since it is so hot and overcrowded, sometimes guys don’t get their turn before it goes off again. They said because of the heat, their food often spoils before it is brought to them and they go without eating. Capoeira (which is a martial art that combines fighting and dancing) is very big here since is it Brazilian (originated in Africa but developed in Brazil). We do a dance choreography with capoeira, drums and fire that really gets them excited. We use to communicate and idea about each of us having our own unique rhythms and that we cannot let the world or any other voices, changed our rhythm. Afterward they participate with us and we “play” Capoeira with them. In this prison the men were really good and it was fun.
We also did an act where a caterpillar becomes a butterfly to a high end electronic song my dad wrote. My sisters and I do a high energy dance with massive butterfly wings on that really lifts everyone up. We communicate and share about being “born again” and that no matter what has happen in the past, it does not have to determine their future. They are not what they did, but who they choose to become. Days afterward a prisoners wrote us (through his wife on the outside) and told us how much this act gave him hope and he replied he really could change and have a new beginning no matter his past.
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