Any dates that we were not at a specific event, we were down town in the city center. This was the hardest city to get permission at so far. One of the secretaries told me honestly that the whole permission system is designed to make people give up because they do not want people performing on the streets all though they cannot legally prohibit it. It took a lot of 1:30 taxi rides to this office and that office and a lot of phone calls but thank God eventually we got permission to perform on the streets of Lima Peru on the busiest street. Our crowds were constantly changing over with people from all walks of life. When we are on the streets we know that some people may only come in our crowd for a short time so we have to really be on point with our execution. We perform a choreographed dance using the Brazilian art form of Capoeira (which is like a fight and a dance combined). The song uses high energy and drums and conveys a message of freedom and redemption.
Monday, March, 10th – La Merced, down town Lima.

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