We had a beautiful morning putting on an Easter party at an orphanage. We had a magic show, an easter egg hunt and of course, an easter bunny;) The children were so precious and excited. Nothing brings out the kid in you like looking for easter eggs;)! IT was such a privilege to touch their little hearts and minds with the love of the Father.
We had a beautiful morning putting on an Easter party at an orphanage. We had a magic show, an easter egg hunt and of course, an easter bunny;) The children were so precious and excited. Nothing brings out the kid in you like looking for easter eggs;)! IT was such a privilege to touch their little hearts and minds with the love of the Father. Easter eggs were too expensive so my genius brother found these little containers on clearance we could use and fill with candy. Plus we made up easter gift bags with some cool toys that the awesome people at Carnival Savers donated to us!
WE had a goat costume, (because, I mean who doesn’t have a goat costume;)) So my mom added ears and turned into an easter bunny:)!! (see the pictures below)

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