Getting to this event was one big (dangerous, terrifying, crazy, whole life flash before your eyes…) adventure:) It was high up in the largest favela here, one that houses over 100,000 people. Its where they filmed the most recent “Hulk” movie and they running on the roofs:)) But anyway, a lady I met who lives at the top organized and event for easter. We could not drive up up the crazy doctor seus type hill:). So we had to walk all our equipment up. It was actually harder than I first thought when I assured my dad it would be no problem;). It was slippery with water running down it and our stuff is so freaky heavy it was hard to keep your footing. Then when we got to the soccer quart where the event was, we had to lift it all up a narrow steep staircase (and of course, all this back down when it was dark:)).
But it was totally worth it and a dream come true. To get the chance to reach these people in the corners of the earth and see the sun setting in the distance while surround with favelas, and simple beautiful people everywhere, was a sweet experience. We shared so many things with them and taught the Gospel in a clear, simple way. Many did not have bibles and we had enough to give out many, as well as toys for the kids, candy, flyers and posters for their walls. We even had a fun easter egg hunt for them:)!!

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