We have been having an effect with the crowds down town in the city center and on the boardwalks and beaches of Montevideo. Even after a long day in the prisons, we headed to the city center to perform at a busy square. I don’t know how my parents do it some times, even when they are absolutely exhausted and drained from the sun they still find more to give.
There are many tourists from other countries as well as the locals and we try to put a seed in their heart and show them that there is something beyond just surviving, working a job, going to school and beyond the here and now. Life is so much more than living for ourselves. We each have the power to love, to care to touch another life and this power is a responsibility, Jesus said, “Whatever you do to the least of My brothers, you do to Me…(Mt.25:35)” Many homeless on the down town streets were very grateful for a survival blanket and one man told me he could use it as a way to find a clean spot on the dirty street as well as keep him warm.
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