The center market is packed with people most every day and especially on Saturday. We reach thousands of people from all walks of life down town . I think some of the most beautiful people I have met are homeless and I have become friends with some of those that can always be found in the same spot down town. One guy, whose name is Ronaldo, has no legs due to polio and its really hard for him to move out of the sun, yet he still always has a smile and upbeat attitude. Another man, named Leo, has a teenage son with down syndrome and will yell to me when I am still a block away. He knows I always have something for him and is genuinely grateful for any help or even just a conversation. So many regular people here are below the poverty line and know that they are only a few steps from being on the street. The majority seem to be right at the point of giving up. Its as if they are teetering on the edge of a cliff and we are trying to pull them back. As Jesus said from Isaiah “…He has anointed Me to preach good news to the bind up the broken hearted… to comfort those that mourn…to proclaim freedom fro the prisoners…” Lk.4:18/Is.61
Saturday, January 16th – Marcado Central

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