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School for victims of the flood – Paraguay April 10th

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After meeting with the Minister of Education, they opened to us the doors to all the schools and colleges in Paraguay. Three ladies spent their time to drive from school to school organizing events for us at the schools that need it the most. I really appreciated their help and care!

At this school, there were 800 kids and we had to do a few groups. This was a new school just built for all the families and children that lost their homes in the flood. When I fist walked in there was a little girl standing there just weeping. She was so scared and lost. I held her in my arms and helped her find her way but this was the state of many of these children. They were so sad and scared. Many of these kids had no parents and have been moved from place to place with no where safe and secure to call home. They were desperate for love and attention and it was such an honor to bring them laughter and give them seeds of home.

We tell a story about a little girl who is chasing butterflies but cannot catch them. Like we all chase dreams and look for change. Through the story she meets a giant frog (me in a customs;)), a cool dwarf, (my sister in a costume), and a prince (my brother on stilts). She learns that she cannot catch butterflies, but she can become a butterfly! Sometimes things on the outside will not change, but if we change, we can find hope.

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