We sold or gave away everything that was not absolutely essential and loaded all our gear into our van and trailer. The previous week, my brothers and I built a small utility trailer with a bunch of used parts we rounded up around Bogota, in order to help us carry our equipment. So try to imagine 8 people, 8 sleeping bags and pads, 8 bags containing our clothes, a tent, camping and cooking gear, all our musical sound equipment as in two speakers, a generator, mixer, bass, two boxes of props, puppets and costumes, Gospels of John, New Testaments, pamphlets, cds we give as gifts, and other stuff that fits in no category, all crammed into a van and trailer. Not much space, but a whole lot of grace! As we travel we stay in our tent that people will let us put up on their property, and occasionally in a motel if we can find an affordable place that is not in to horrible condition and there is no place to put up our tent. It was sad leaving Colombia after spending so much time there and touching the lives of so many beautiful people, but there are so many more countries out there, and so many more individuals that are suffering and in need of hope. Our Master said ” Go therefore…” and so go we will.
Sunday, February 9th – Left Bogota, heading to the Peruvian Border.

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