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Tuesday, May 13th – Largest School for the mentally and physically handicapped in Chile.

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There are around 400 kids, from ages 5 to 26 with all ranges of disability such as Autism, Downs, Epilepsy, Physical handicaps, and some that have suffered abuse so sever it has caused mental damage. Wow! 400 kids with special needs is a lot to handle! They all want to be hugged and get your attention. To hear their laughter and see their amazement at the magic made me want to cry and so many wanted to dance with butterfly wings or participate in some way, there was hardly enough space. Some of them were so smart and quicker to get the meaning of our skits then many adults. We told a story with our costumes that taught how they can love like no one else can. When we were done a little boy with downs syndrome said on the microphone to everyone exactly everything the story meant.

Since my brothers and sisters and I are Second degree black belts in Tae Kwon Do, we use what we have learned to help others learn how important discipline and focus are. We brought up a lot of the kids and taught them some moves as well as how to just stand perfectly still and quit their mind. It was just beautiful.  After we were done the director spoke on the mic saying that in his 42 years he has never seen anything like this and that we taught them what love really was. His words really touched us. After this, we had to get to the old age home and meet with the nun.

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