We were invited to visit a hospital for children battling cancer, the press covered this event as well and some of the pictures are ones they sent to us. We performed outside for a group of kids that were able to come out along with their parents and nurses. Afterward we went room to room in the hospital and visited the kids that are bed-ridden with our costumes, puppets and magic. These kids are so precious and some of them have been in the hospital for a long time. One young girl, about 17 was there because her niece has leukemia and she is staying with her. She started weeping in my sisters arms and said that her nephew, (her nieces brother) had just been shot and killed and she did not know how to tell his sister. She needed to be held and comforted and to know that she has a Father who will look after her. It reminded me of Is.61 where he says, “to comfort all who mourn…”
Wednesday, March 2nd – Hospital for children battling cancer.

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