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Thursday, July 23 – Central Prison, Brazil, Performing for the Guards and staff

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After the director saw the performance we did for the prisoners, he asked us to perform for an event they had for the guards and staff the following day.  We were able to bring them laughter and encouragement as well as trying to encourage them to treat the prisoners fair and just.

It was really cool doing our Capoeira dance here in Brazil (where it originated). We always get people to participate in a “Roda” (which in short, is a circle in which you play Capoeira with another person while others stand around and clap to the rythmn). In some countries we have to explain what Capoeira is and encourage them to join us but not here! Half the audience came up and crammed on stage waiting to participate and got into 100 percent. It was really fun and the energy was high since all the men were clapping and shouting. Capoeira is a beautiful combination of fighting and dancing.

The director was very grateful and told us that when we return he will allow us to get into all the patios, even the very large ones. Some of the patios are like small cities and normally they do not allow civilians inside, but after seeing the good influence we had, he said they would work it out. He said he was surprised by the courage our family showed in coming into this place. I have never really seen it like that. I imagine you would do anything for those you love and would not really consider it courageous to risk your life for them, all though others might see it like that. We do what do motivated by love, our love for the Father and courage is the face of love.

DSC03306 fam

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