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Traveling the World

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Hi, my name is Ruth. We just back from a trip to Asia and previously my family and I drove through South America beginning in Colombia and traveling through Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and then into Brazil. We spent time in every major city and numerous small villages bringing our presentation and message to the prisons, orphanages, homes for the elderly and disabled as well as many special events. The following is a detailed accounting of our work and service for others.

We never ask for money, but from time to time will stop and work jobs to raise the finances we need. My brothers and sisters and I work as waiters and waitress in the US (we come and go from the States depending on our finances) , sometimes working two or three jobs at a time, juggling shifts in order to raise money fast. In this blog I covered some of the main events we have done recently, trying to keep it as short as possible for you. It is hard to find time to write as we are always extremely busy, so please forgive any mistake or typos in my writing.

Music is the international language. She speaks clearer than a thousand words and can touch the young, the old, the rich and poor in ways no one else can. She can break down barriers and erase the lines and differences that separate us, moving the human soul.

Many years ago when my family and I first went to Europe, Africa and Russia, we wanted to find an effective way to communicate God’s profound love and hope with so many people. Obviously we did not speak the languages of all these countries, so we began to use music, dance and theater to communicate many things. It was extremely effective and the results were outstanding. We have since learned Spanish and Portuguese and have perfected and continue to perfect our performance as a means to touch thousands of souls. I do not have an account of our travels through Europe and Africa at this time, but maybe will write it all down some day. Welcome to our dream….

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