We stopped at the city of Trujillo, Peru on our way to Lima. The police said they never let anyone perform in the historic plaza which was in the center of the city and the busiest place. After a long morning of talking to all the city officials and authorities, we were able to talk to the guy highest up who said they would make an exception just this once and just in our case and allow us to go where we wanted to go. He even extensively thanked us for the work we are doing and God used him to allow us to reach a lot of people. We stayed out from mid afternoon, to the late hours of the night for a huge speaking to huge crowds who had never seen or heard what we were bringing. Families out for a stroll, business men getting off work, poor folks wandering the streets and well to do women, all become the same as they sit on the ground and enjoy a magic show, or laugh at a silly clown, or enjoy watching us walk on stilts or juggle. And then with these “keys” we open the doors to their hearts and teach them many things.
Tuesday, February 18th – Down town historic center, Trujillo, Peru

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